Most preferred e-Bus in India with ergonomically designed exterior and interior. The Bus has been designed to cater to the future needs of our customers and is based on precise power and slick aerodynamics. REEP 12 m intercity e-Bus has a seating capacity of 43 + 1D + 1 C and has a wheelbase of 6.20 m. The bus has an overall length of 12.00 m and width of 2.60 m. The wheelbase spans 6.20 m and the internal height is 2.18 m. It is suitable for all roads and weather conditions.

Fast Reliable service
It is a long established fact that a reader a page when layout.
flexible Services
It is a long established fact that a reader a page when layout.

Smart AC Chargers
Best Pricings
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24 x 7 charge
It is a long established fact that a reader a looking at its layout.